Molten Glass Vase with Hydrangea

Molten Glass Vase with Hydrangea

It seems January is for cleaning out, cleaning up, and organizing. Far be it from me to buck the trend. So…I thought I would join the crowd and clean up the subscriber list for my award-winning blog.



Writing at computer

Writer at computer

I have been writing this blog since April of 2018 and hopefully, you have gained hydrangea knowledge and expertise along the way. I receive regular reports that tell me the percent of subscribers that open and read what I send. Although those numbers are way above average, there are still many more who don’t open/read my messages.


Cute little girl crying

I will be sad to see you go

Despite the fact that this blog has won 2 awards, like most other things, costs have risen significantly over time. Now I must eliminate those subscribers who no longer are interested in my content. My goal is to keep my costs under control and maintain this blog as a free service.


For this January cleanout, I need you to reconfirm your interest not later than January 30, 2025. That gives you about 2 weeks to make up your mind. Simply email me with the word CONFIRM in the “Your Message” area and I will keep sending you hydrangea news, info, and updates. If I don’t hear from you, I will assume you have decided to unsubscribe and I will delete your info. Of course, you can always unsubscribe on your own whenever you want to. Should you want to resubscribe, just go to www.LorraineBallato.com anytime to do that.

I hope you’ll stick around as nothing gives me greater pleasure than sharing all my hydrangea news, info and obsession with you. As you already know, no two seasons are alike and we have had some significant challenges that I plan to discuss. Plus, there are always new introductions and news about which former new intros have earned their keep.


Here’s to happy hydrangeas, not just a myth but a reality!


Thanks for reading.

6 Secrets for Stunning Hydrangea Flowers

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